What you believe and what you value as an organization matters. Discover the DNA of our firm.
Get to know our teams and the stories of select staff members who share why they choose to work at Sands Capital.
Read about some of the latest events, partnerships, and business highlights from Sands Capital.
The combination of software and the move to cloud computing remains one of the largest secular growth trends we see, which is driving increased demand for scalable, cloud-based solutions across every sector of the economy.
In this episode of What Matters Most, we delve deep into the world of online sports betting, focusing on the global leader, Flutter. Research Analyst Katherine Bates joins us to discuss Flutter’s journey, its innovative strategies, and how it’s transforming the gambling landscape.
At Sands Capital we encourage our investment team to think in decades not quarters. Director of Research Michael Raab, CFA discusses how culture can support the visionary research needed to find businesses creating the future.
Nu Holdings’ Nubank focuses on driving financial inclusion among underbanked populations who lack sufficient access to mainstream financial services and products, including access to common banking services, such as credit cards or loans.
Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that, over time, stock prices will reflect the earnings power and growth of the underlying businesses.
Our latest annual report offers a comprehensive view of how we add value through active stewardship.
Our newest strategy takes an unconstrained approach to seeking the best growth businesses outside of the U.S.
Sands Capital invests in innovative businesses across all stages of the growth spectrum
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